Spiced Tea/Masala Chai

Dear Friends,

One of my friend asked me to write masala chai recipe, so here it is :).

Tea is very famous in Indian continent. We have so many types of tea available in the market. The one which most of the people use is Black loose tea. Different region in India make tea with slight variations but we all love our spices so as our tea. Our day doesn’t begin without hot cup of masala/spiced chai/tea. Even in summer we like to drink hot tea. Here is how I make tea in my house. I like using tea bags (my favourite is Tata tea for a strong cup of chai) but you can use any loose tea or orange pekoe tea. This recipe makes 2 cups.

Preparation Time: 0 minutes

Cooking Time: 5-7 minutes

1 cup water
1 cup milk
2 tea bags/2 tsp loose tea
Sugar as per your taste
1 tsp fresh grated ginger
Tiny pinch of chai masala powder


1. In a pot, heat water and milk together. Add sugar, grated ginger and chai masala powder to the pot. Bring it to boil using medium heat and stir the mixture in between.
Boil Milk and water2. Reduce the heat to low and now add tea bags or loose tea. It is completely up to you how strong you like your tea. We like dark/strong tea so I use 1 tea bag or 1 tsp loose tea per cup but reduce if you like a light tea. Simmer on low for another 2-3 minutes stirring occasionally, you will see the colour of the changing from light to golden. Turn off the heat. By making chai following this process, the aroma of the tea leafs stay in the chai.
Boil the tea
3. Pour hot masala chai in cup using tea strainer. I served the chai with Khaman Dhokla and Rice Dumpling.
Masala ChaiMust try this aromatic, warm spiced tea during this cold time of the year. You can also add mint leaves, cloves or cinnamon powder while simmering the chai.

Also let me know if you have any questions regarding this dish.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Until next time!

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Author: Bhavna's Food Journey

Welcome to Bhavna's food journey! Join me in cooking easy, simple, healthy and delicious food. I am a mother of two adult children and understand the fast life of today's adult. Hope you will enjoy and try my recipes. Looking forward to hearing from you!!

2 thoughts

  1. Aw this makes me miss the tea I had when I was travelling in India. The ginger chai there is absolutely incredible! I’ll try making it at home, but I wonder if it will be as good 😛

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